residential rental provider makes application, the Tribunal issues a possession order and the renter vacates the premises;
residential rental provider obtains a possession order and purchases a warrant which results in the renter being removed from the premises.
In essence, therefore, a residential rental does not end until a renter has moved or is moved from, the premises.
This section covers when a rental agreement may end, requirements if the rental provider issues a notice to vacate, and reasons why a rental provider can issue a notice to vacate. This chaper also covers considerations for a client after a rental agreement has ended.
Rental provider moving in: notices for premises to be occupied by rental provider or their family
Ending fixed term lease: notices for end of fixed term rental agreement of not more than 5 years
The reasonable and proportionate test: what is the new R&P test at the Tribunal, and understanding how to prepare for the R&P test if your client has to attend a hearing
Goods left behind: what happens to a renters goods after they have been evicted or leave the property permanently